Care Companions
At some point in our journey with Parkinson's, we are going to need a little extra help. Generally, we rely on our spouse or adult child to be considered our primary care partner. But everyone needs a break. And if we live alone, we may also need to ask for additional assistance from time to time.
Whether you are married, single, do or don't have children - everyone needs to have a "Circle of Care." Your Circle of Care can include family members, friends, neighbors, church members, co-workers, etc. These are the people you call upon when you need a break that are willing to help out.
You may have a friend or loved one that you have in mind to help, but if you need help finding someone, you can also check with your local Area Agency of Aging for Senior Companion programs that focus on aiding with daily living tasks, such as shopping or paying bills. Through this program, AmeriCorps Senior volunteers help us stay independent longer and provide respite to family caregivers. There are also some church or community programs that provide companions for those who need additional assistance and live alone.
Generally, utilizing care companions can be sufficient. However, through conversations with your loved ones, you might find that you need more consistent help depending on your needs. That is when you go from volunteer care companions, to hiring in-home caregivers in addition to your Circle of Care.
Disclaimer: At PAA, our desire is to be a GO TO Resource for everything you need for the Parkinson's diagnosis to live a quality life with PD. We want to make sure you have all resources you need as you plan your journey with Parkinson's now and into the future so that you can reflect and discern what decisions you want to make with the appropriate insights to help you choose and build a plan that is unique as your journey. The PAA, nor the contents on this website, should never be a replacement for professional expertise and guidance from medical, legal, or financial professionals. Our goal is to equip you for those conversations. As such, the PAA cannot be held accountable for your choices and outcomes while navigating your Parkinson's condition.