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Aging in Place Specialists

Consider hiring a certified aging-in-place specialist (CAPS) for any major home modifications. A CAPS can assess your personal needs and identify potential environmental changes to ensure continued health and safety at home. A CAPS professional collaborates alongside you, your family and other experts in contracting and home care to create a plan for improving and maintaining your quality of life.


A certified aging in place specialist can be anyone who completes and maintains CAPS training, offered by the National Association of Home Builders. CAPS training is a program designed to educate professionals about senior-specific home modifications and remodeling techniques, as well as business management and customer service skills conducive to providing adults with services to improve their environment and quality of life.


Certified aging-in-place specialists can be found in the Directory of Aging in Place Specialists, Contractors and Design resources online. For local CAPS, check with your local or State Association of Home Builders. You can find a list of all local home builder associations throughout the state of Alabama at this link:


Remember, not all home modifications require contractors, but any work that could benefit or distract form the future resale of your home should be done by a certified contractor. You can also ask for recommendations throughout your community or from friends to get references of contractors that produce solid work.


Disclaimer: The Parkinson Association of Alabama stresses the importance of home safety by offering the following awareness and education. However, the PAA cannot be held liable for any falls within the home, or guarantee the endorsement of product brands or services as related to home safety.

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P.O. Box 590146
Birmingham, AL 35259

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(833) 473-5465

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